Dailymotion princess buttercup pwoerpuff spazz
Dailymotion princess buttercup pwoerpuff spazz

Get-Rich-Quick Scheme / Greed: Buttercups’ main motivation for stealing villains’ teeth.A Fool and His New Money Are Soon Parted: Buttercup makes quite a fortune with all the teeth she collected, but in the end loses it all again to the dental bills from having her own teeth fixed.Blossom and Bubbles don't like it when they find out either, and help the villains get revenge by tricking Buttercup into going to their trap and refusing to help her. Even Evil Has Standards: The villains don't take to kindly to Buttercup knocking their teeth out when none of them were even doing anything evil, just minding their own business when she breaks into their homes and beats them up.First when she realizes she can use the Tooth Fairy to get rich by getting more teeth to trade, and later (after the professor forbids her from knocking out any of her sisters’ teeth) when she realizes she can knock out the teeth of the villains they fight. Enemy Mine: Blossom and Bubbles actually help all the villains that lost their teeth to Buttercup get revenge on her, in order to teach her a lesson.Do with Him as You Will / A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Buttercup beats up villains for their teeth, then the villains do so to her in retribution.Disappointed in You: At the end of the episode, The Professor tells Buttercup that he can't say he's proud of her for her actions.The Dentist Episode: For the villains after Buttercup knocks out their teeth, then Buttercup when the villains get revenge and knock her teeth out in return.Contrived Clumsiness: At first, Buttercup tries to knock more of Bubbles’ teeth out, and keeps claiming each attempt was an accident.It's never been a trait she has been known for before or after this episode. Comic-Book Time: For once averted this is one of the rare times that the show actually provides a clue about what time period it is set in, since the dollars the Professor gives to the girls have the year 2000 stamped on it and are clearly stated to be new.Childish Tooth Gap: Bubbles gets this after losing her tooth.Betrayal by Inaction: Blossom and Bubbles in their betrayal of Buttercup refuse to help Buttercup when they lure her into a trap where she would be beaten up by all the villains.Apologizes a Lot: Buttercup is a victim of this after knocking out Bubbles' tooth.Meet the Beat Alls: Mojo Jojo, Him, Princess Morbucks, and Fuzzy Lumpkins team up as the Beat Alls in this homage to The Beatles, and proceed to defeat the Powerpuff Girls.

dailymotion princess buttercup pwoerpuff spazz

Moral Decay: When Bubbles receives a dollar from the Tooth Fairy after Buttercup accidently knocked one of her teeth out, Buttercup proceeds to knock out the teeth of numerous villains, and starts hoarding the money she receives.

Dailymotion princess buttercup pwoerpuff spazz